Monday, March 6, 2006

Pouring Sideways...

You will need:

a balloon (blown up)
a bin bag or old newspaper. In fact, make that several old newspapers ...
A jar of treacle or pourable honey

What to do:

Cover your table with the bin bag or sheets of newspaper. It wouldn't hurt to cover the floor too. Just in case. Blow the balloon up, and rub it on your hair / something woolly / the cat. With a bit of luck, you'll rub some electrons onto the balloon, and it'll become electrically charged. If you hold the balloon near a gently-running tap, you might just see the stream of water being deflected towards it. Sometimes this works rather well, but even so, it's not terribly exciting. Which is where the treacle comes in ... Hold the treacle jar high above the newspaper, and tip it so a very gentle stream of treacle drizzles out. Now, very carefully, bring the charged balloon near the flowing treacle. Go on, try it. You should see the stream of treacle bending right around the balloon. With a little practice, it's possible to make the treacle flow sideways and even slightly upwards, but you'll need a very steady hand. And yet more sheets of newspaper to catch the drips.

What's going on?

The (negatively-charged) electrons on the balloon attract the (neutral) stream of treacle, just as they attract the water from the tap. However, the treacle-factor has an important effect. Because the treacle is flowing so much slower than water, the force acts for much longer - so the drizzle of treacle bends much more than the dribble of water does.

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