Thursday, May 26, 2005

Guest speaker Professor Christoph Menke

Today in the department Professor Christoph Menke (University of Applied Sciences, Trier, Germany and The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Thonburi) was invited to speak to year 12 Ecosystems and Physics students about the topic of 'Wind Energy – Issues and Options for One Renewable Energy Resource'. We thank him for taking time to share his work and for providing us with a power point presentation of his lecture (click here 25Mb *.ppt - available in school only). Comments from those who attended are welcome.


  1. How come we never have guest speakers?

  2. Can't download the presentation in school!...Doesn't work

  3. Try the link now - the file is on the student shared section of the server for yr12's. If you are not a yr 12 student then you may not have access to it. If you want the file then let me know and I can email it to your.
