Tuesday, May 17, 2005

We like to burn things in Science

The student's in 8Y really like to set things on fire. Which do you think contains more energy, sugar or artificial sweetener? They set fire to both and recorded the temperature rise for a known volume of water. There is something wrong with the apparatus on this photo though - can you spot it?


  1. the bunsen burners missing!

  2. No, the Bunsen burner is not needed after the sugar/sweetener starts to burn - if it were there then it would raise the temperature of the water too! It is something else...........

  3. Isnt that my test!!?!?!?! What did i do wrong/!?!

    paul... 8y

  4. Paul - well done for recognising your own experiment! Think about where all the heat from the burning sugar will go.......

  5. O i no! you told me in science.. the test tube is too close to the flame... hahahahaha! do i win something?!?!

    paul 8y

  6. Not the test tube too close to the flame!

  7. It is something else in the photo....

  8. The bulb of the thermometer is not covered by the water in the test tube

  9. Could be, but not what I was looking for - the top of the bulb appears to be out of the water due to refraction - try it with a pencil in water

  10. the test tube is clamped too low down so some of the heat will be absorbed by the clamp.

  11. Correct! Shame you are anonymous!

  12. the test tube is clamped too low down so some of the heat will be absorbed by the clamp!!!!!
