Monday, June 5, 2006

Do you recognise these answers?

Here are a few examples of how not to answer questions in your Annual exams:Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5

They are genuine answers from a science exam! Seriously though, the following information in link and learn (under each topic heading) may be useful in your revision:

  • Year 7 & 8: revision quizzes, key words, checklists and questions (click here)
  • Year 9: past paper questions by topic, key words and definitions (click here)
  • Year 10: topic revision notes, past paper questions (see IG past papers)
  • Year 12: JOBU's & ANRO's websites, absorb Physics and Chemistry on link and learn

If there is anything else you would like to see on this site (apart from the 2006 Annual exam papers and answers!) let us know


  1. omg! I cant believe somebody would actually write that in their exam!

  2. can u tell me if the year 10 so-ordinated science exams are hard..plz be faif..after all..we r all humans..

  3. where can we find the past paper questions by topic for yr 9???? I can't see them on link and learn. Please could you put a link on the science site.

  4. Yr10 Co-ordinated science exams.
    Dear Anonymous, whats hard for one is easy for another. The one thing you can be sure of is that the examination is fair and yes we appreciate that you are Homo sapien (The only surviving hominid; species to which modern man belongs; bipedal primate having language and ability to make and use complex tools; brain 1400 cc). The thing now is for you to follow the advice of your teacher, the resources posted by Mr Taylor today and your class notes/booklets etc. By the way the Yr 10 examination questions come from past papers and we use the examiners marks scheme, can't ask for fairer than that!

  5. Yr9 Examination Papers
    Hi Yr9 student, remember this is the first year thatwe have not been doing the SATs examination. So those past papers are not 100% useful. That said, we will try to get something online for you as soon as possible.

  6. I think the dam aliens took away the science link...

    ARGH! now that i've read these past papers 'Motivation' has gone missing again...i gotta look for it now.

  7. are the practice exams questions all from last years's for yrs 7&8?
    the yr 7's one is definitely last years but the yr8 one looks abit too short.

  8. The practice questions for yr 7&8 are a sample from last years annual exam - not all of them. The answers can be found in the 'hot links' section.

  9. The past paper questions for year 9 are in link and learn under the title of revision for biology, revision for chemistry and revision for physics. They were in the general links and I moved them there today. They are large (the biggest is 2MB) *.pdf files, you may want to download them to your thumb drive when in school because the connection is faster. Don't print them off at school - just look at them at home as part of our revision programme. The BBC bitesize website has an excellent KS3 revision notes, along with quick tests to keep you busy. The questions in link and learn don't have the answers, but I am sure your Science teacher would help you if you get stuck on any. Good luck!

  10. Erm Mr.Taylor, most of the students have ADSL connection now :)

  11. heres a suggestion for the science website: could we get some kind of revision sheet or checklist for us, like the physics coloured cards and the biology revision documents??? Or a website like Mr. Roffs physics website??? Thanks

  12. Adam, I dont' understand your request. If you use the 'menu' button at the top left of the page then you can find the following: 1)the physics blue cards are in the general physics link and learn items. 2) the biology revision notes are there with each of the topics and 3) there is a link to Mr Roff's website after the physics topics. Everything is there for you.

  13. sorry didnt make myself clear enough i meant in the means of chemistry

  14. Adam, try

    this link
    for help with your chemistry (right click and open in a new window)

  15. hmm... why do all these answers seem so familiar...? =P

  16. DO THE tick marks mean CORRECT??? :S :S (cos if they do, i might actually pass! :D)

  17. In the year seven exams, are the topics divided fairly or are there more questions on one particular topic?

  18. Vidush - they are split as even as possible across the topics

  19. thanks for all the past exam papers

  20. SIGH. I hope this site was alive when we were in year 7-9. Its soo good!
