Monday, June 19, 2006

What is this photo?

SNACK CARD CHALLENGE!! When was the last time we had a snack card challenge? So long ago I can't remember. If you can tell me what is going on in this photo and where it came from then a 100 baht snack card (not one of the dodgy year 9 ones!) could be yours. Add a comment to this post (first name and tutor group only). Here are some clues to help:

• I am microscopic in size
• I am part of an amphibious animal
• I am undergoing an essential life process

Ps Students only!!!!!!!


  1. Hm random guess:
    Its an "amphibious" cell, undergoing mitosis? mitosis for growth (the essential life process =P)

  2. the process is correct, but what amphibious animal did it come from?

  3. a sea urchin? (is that even an amphibian..?)

  4. hmmm... since no one else has an answer... =P

  5. perhaps it's exam lethargy?

  6. a) Frog
    b) Toad
    c) Salamander??
    d) None of the above .. hehe

  7. Caecilians or newts?

  8. How did i know it was going to be d!! >< anyway, how are we meant to know this anyway (or are we just meant ta guess? =P)

  9. Is this the mitosis of a Newt Lung ?
    Real mitotic cells can be visualized through the microscope by staining them with fluorescent antibodies and dyes. These are light micrographs of mitosis in the Early prophase: Nonkinetochore microtubules, shown as green strands, have established a matrix around the degrading nucleus, in blue. The green nodules are the centrosomes.

    Amie 10L

  10. well, maybe i should give it to you amie? your answer is very comprehensive!

  11. haha, dont i get some for getting mitosis right? :(
