Tuesday, September 13, 2005

No bags please

The science corridor is a 'bag free zone'. Please leave your bags in your lockers.

If we need to evacuate the laboratories for any reason we need the floors clear of obstacles.

This is a school rule and you older students should know better.


  1. what is wrong if you bring your bags? I mean our lockers are so darn far away...its also the last lesson..and plus if we go all the way back to our lockers...we get late for our buses...so...what should we do...not take out bags and get late for the buses or should we take our bags and get scolding form you?! What should we do?!

  2. yeh good point! If we bring out bags we get in trouble with the science teachers and if we leave them in our lockers we get in trouble with the transport for being late to our buses. Perhaps somebody should designate a place where we can put out bags which wont get us in trouble! Any advice?

  3. So what if we have PE between in the middle of the day after Science? How are we supposed to be able to get to PE lessons on time if we have to go all the way back to our lockers, then to the Hardcourt after Science on the 3rd floor?

  4. The school rule is leave your bag in your locker. This is not open to negotiation. This is particularly the case in the labs. Take a few moments to consider the scenario in which we have to get 200+ students out of the building in 5mins!

  5. cant the science teachers or even any teacher find someway in which we can keep our bags there, there must be someway cause this really isnt fair! We should at least be able to have somewhere to keepthem, by stoping us you are being really unreasonable!

  6. If you feel so passionate about this then perhaps you should ask the student council to discuss the matter at their next meeting - maybe they can come to some kind of solution?

  7. ok im sure we will!!!! If everybody does then we are bound to get somewhere

  8. But i don't wanna!!!

  9. good for you!! rebel!

  10. So what if we have PE before Science? How are we supposed to be able to get to science lessons on time if we have to go all the way back to our lockers, then to the after Science on the 3rd floor?

  11. lol no comments from teachers..haha
