Monday, March 28, 2005

What's it like to travel at the speed of light?

Nobody knows, and nobody will ever know! But some scientists have developed a simulation of what things would look like if you began to travel near the speed of light.

Check out the movie of flying past jupiter at 99% of the speed of light


  1. however, thats a very interesting and cool movie you have there

  2. The movie was simulated by some physicists in america. It's not real because we can't go that fast, but we have sent spacecraft on similar trips!

  3. the movie site does not work and if we could travelling to distant galaxies will be possible

  4. Pretty movie, but that's Saturn and the effect is completely wrong...

    .. not trolling just the truth

  5. why do u people no this stuff/ i find it point less!

  6. its impossible to travel at the speed of light. As you near it, your mass increases causing you to slow down.
